Well, for one o is already implemented as this proposal describes, and it would break backward compatibility to change it. It is also often used in combination with other modes, such as m, which would require the a to go over into a next leg. If p' would be introduced for friendly hopping, as a cleaner replacenemt for the dau kludge, omcp' would be an often required combination, which now had to be spilt because of the required u. (But then again, introduction of cc for active burning (or the colon notation) would make that obsolete.)
I don't really see what you try to save here. Get rid of the single a that is needed between o and b now?
The oab... probing doesn't seem sufficient for an Edge Hog, btw. At least, I suppose a2-a7 would be a valid move for that, but at both ends the adjacent square on the ray would be on board. I suppose the way to implement an Edge Hog is through morphing: split it into two types, and morph type 1 to type 2 on edge squares, and type 2 to type 1 elsewhere. And make these non-edge squares inaccessible to type 1. So morph=E/E!!!!!!E/"/"/"/"/"/E for type 1, and morph=/.EEEEEE./"/"/"/"/"/ for type 2.
Well, for one o is already implemented as this proposal describes, and it would break backward compatibility to change it. It is also often used in combination with other modes, such as m, which would require the a to go over into a next leg. If p' would be introduced for friendly hopping, as a cleaner replacenemt for the dau kludge, omcp' would be an often required combination, which now had to be spilt because of the required u. (But then again, introduction of cc for active burning (or the colon notation) would make that obsolete.)
I don't really see what you try to save here. Get rid of the single a that is needed between o and b now?
The oab... probing doesn't seem sufficient for an Edge Hog, btw. At least, I suppose a2-a7 would be a valid move for that, but at both ends the adjacent square on the ray would be on board. I suppose the way to implement an Edge Hog is through morphing: split it into two types, and morph type 1 to type 2 on edge squares, and type 2 to type 1 elsewhere. And make these non-edge squares inaccessible to type 1. So morph=E/E!!!!!!E/"/"/"/"/"/E for type 1, and morph=/.EEEEEE./"/"/"/"/"/ for type 2.