[R?fR-isR] for a hook mover limited to the forward quarter sector.
So, mission accomplished for the second leg being shorter than the first; [R?isR-fR] can make the second leg longer than the first. That's what I was asking about. Adding [R-isR] can make them "equal to or less/greater than." (Or, [R?fR-isR?fW] for "less than or equal to," and [W?fR?isR-fR] for "greater than or equal to.")
So, mission accomplished for the second leg being shorter than the first; [R?isR-fR] can make the second leg longer than the first. That's what I was asking about. Adding [R-isR] can make them "equal to or less/greater than." (Or, [R?fR-isR?fW] for "less than or equal to," and [W?fR?isR-fR] for "greater than or equal to.")
That's certainly good enough for me.