The Reflecting Bishop (for a single reflection) is yafoabyasB. To the edge, one more step back and forthe to test whether you ran into it, and then continue again as slider in the perpendicular direction. [B-oF-bF-sB] in bracket notation. I gues even [oB-bF-sB] would do (but would generate moves in duplicat when already on the edge).
I was thinking that this would be a good Case Study for the page. Also, I had the thought that (yafoabyas)4B might allow for a full rectangle on a square board (or omitting the 4 to allow unfettered reflecting on a rectangular board), but that doesn't appear to be the case.
I was thinking that this would be a good Case Study for the page. Also, I had the thought that (yafoabyas)4B might allow for a full rectangle on a square board (or omitting the 4 to allow unfettered reflecting on a rectangular board), but that doesn't appear to be the case.