I wanted to reserve @ as atom for indicating dropping. Single or double quote behind a modifier was proposed for friend-only or foe-only (e.g. on p). For grouping of atoms I would use braces {} rather than overloading the parentheses. But I like the double-quote idea better (except that I would use &, as I thend to interpret quotes as suffixes of the previous symbol), as meaning 'same group of modifiers as previously'. I don't think that would be very useful in the bracket notation, though, as there will never be very many modifiers on an atom there. And perhaps it is more useful to focus on a full implementation of the bracket notation than trying to keep the a notation bearable through all kind of quirky tricks.
And one can also look at it this way: an unwieldly Betza notation is a very useful 'red flag' to indicate you are attempting to do something that you really should not do. The complexity of Betza notation reflects the complexity of conceiving the moves when playing, and perhaps that is a good thing.
I wanted to reserve @ as atom for indicating dropping. Single or double quote behind a modifier was proposed for friend-only or foe-only (e.g. on p). For grouping of atoms I would use braces {} rather than overloading the parentheses. But I like the double-quote idea better (except that I would use &, as I thend to interpret quotes as suffixes of the previous symbol), as meaning 'same group of modifiers as previously'. I don't think that would be very useful in the bracket notation, though, as there will never be very many modifiers on an atom there. And perhaps it is more useful to focus on a full implementation of the bracket notation than trying to keep the a notation bearable through all kind of quirky tricks.
And one can also look at it this way: an unwieldly Betza notation is a very useful 'red flag' to indicate you are attempting to do something that you really should not do. The complexity of Betza notation reflects the complexity of conceiving the moves when playing, and perhaps that is a good thing.