Game Courier handles this with a variable called $flip, which when set to true switches the pieces for the upsidedown orientation. You might do something similar in Jocly.
I cannot speak for François, but it seems to me you severely over-estimate our abilities to modify Jocly. It is not a program that we wrote ourselves. Implementing new games is one thing, because the original developer intentionally tried to make that easy, and published tutorials for how it should be done. Altering the Jocly core is a completely different matter.
Looking at the code there makes me realize that I only master about 20% of JavaScript (the part it has in common with C); trying to understand the wizardry used there is somewhat similar to reading a Chinese text armed with only the knowledge of the Latin alphabet.
So in short: doing what you propose would be approximately as difficult for me as it would be for you to do it yourself, and comparable to the task of rephrasing one sentence in the Chinese translation of the bible...
I cannot speak for François, but it seems to me you severely over-estimate our abilities to modify Jocly. It is not a program that we wrote ourselves. Implementing new games is one thing, because the original developer intentionally tried to make that easy, and published tutorials for how it should be done. Altering the Jocly core is a completely different matter.
Looking at the code there makes me realize that I only master about 20% of JavaScript (the part it has in common with C); trying to understand the wizardry used there is somewhat similar to reading a Chinese text armed with only the knowledge of the Latin alphabet.
So in short: doing what you propose would be approximately as difficult for me as it would be for you to do it yourself, and comparable to the task of rephrasing one sentence in the Chinese translation of the bible...