See, I knew I was getting the u wrong somehow! And I didn't think about the a in bracket notation being different; botching that, honestly, is me all over.
Trying out your bracket notation (I think I'll start calling it BBetza, for Bracket Betza) in the Sandbox, though, it still doesnt work, beyond the R. If it helps, it translates (exactly as I'd expect) to RyafafucabpafR.
It's not incredibly important, though; I was just planning ahead half of a Burn (afafucabpafK) for when the use of the colon is implemented. (The other half, I think, would be apfafucbafK -- to push a friendly piece adjacent to the landing square away to an empty square beyond.)
See, I knew I was getting the u wrong somehow! And I didn't think about the a in bracket notation being different; botching that, honestly, is me all over.
Trying out your bracket notation (I think I'll start calling it BBetza, for Bracket Betza) in the Sandbox, though, it still doesnt work, beyond the R. If it helps, it translates (exactly as I'd expect) to RyafafucabpafR.
It's not incredibly important, though; I was just planning ahead half of a Burn (afafucabpafK) for when the use of the colon is implemented. (The other half, I think, would be apfafucbafK -- to push a friendly piece adjacent to the landing square away to an empty square beyond.)
Thanks for the help on that. :)