It's trying to get caib[qN] to work that would be the challenge.
Well, now that generalized burning is been written with the aid of legs behind a semicolon, another punctuation (say comma), could be used for generalized rifle capture. Burning and rifle capture are related: there is a set of captures, burning automatically does all of those that are possible, rifle capture has to select one of those. Pure rifle capture is a null move followed by the capture option. Suppose O without range would mean null move, then [O,cqN] would be a rifle-capturing Rose. There still is the issue of whether the rifle part can be optional. I would say no, as the entire moves in a Betza description are already optional. So by making it mandatory to do at least one of the rifle captures, you can still allow the move without capture by specifying it separately. Like for Odin's Forest Ox: N[N,cK].
Well, now that generalized burning is been written with the aid of legs behind a semicolon, another punctuation (say comma), could be used for generalized rifle capture. Burning and rifle capture are related: there is a set of captures, burning automatically does all of those that are possible, rifle capture has to select one of those. Pure rifle capture is a null move followed by the capture option. Suppose O without range would mean null move, then [O,cqN] would be a rifle-capturing Rose. There still is the issue of whether the rifle part can be optional. I would say no, as the entire moves in a Betza description are already optional. So by making it mandatory to do at least one of the rifle captures, you can still allow the move without capture by specifying it separately. Like for Odin's Forest Ox: N[N,cK].