Since this site uses Literata, Noto Sans, and Courier Prime, you may want to limit yourself to a subset that is supported by all three of these fonts. Of these, Courier Prime has the most limited support for character sets. Besides ASCII, it supports only Latin Lowercase, Latin Uppercase, Numbers, Common Latin, and Punctuation. Literata and Noto Sans both support all of these, as well as others.
That still leaves me a bit uncertain. I just edited Short Sliders with some Unicode symbols; if you could take a glance at that when you have a moment and pick out any problem symbols (the Berolina would be a leading candidate), and hopefully suggest alternatives, I'd appreciate it.
That still leaves me a bit uncertain. I just edited Short Sliders with some Unicode symbols; if you could take a glance at that when you have a moment and pick out any problem symbols (the Berolina would be a leading candidate), and hopefully suggest alternatives, I'd appreciate it.