Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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H. G. Muller wrote on Mon, Mar 18, 2024 10:11 AM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 09:35 AM:

There are quite some more differences than I would have expected. Apparently there are a lot of SVG images that have not been incorporated in the PNG set. Mostly 'ferzed' or 'wazired' versions of existing mimages, by drawing a cross on those.

The PNG set has a number of inverted images, which were no doubt made by rendering the normal SVG upside-down with the aid of fen2.php. It has also a gnu, as a knight-camel composit, and many elephant composits. These were probably all made with the aid of fen2.php's ability to combine two images.

The white crookedbishop was wrongly named in the PNG set. The bknightgeneral is missing from the PNG set, which has a wknightgeneral. There is a wpegasus.svg file in the PNG directory, which doesn't belong there.

The best approach is probably to just copy all the PNG50 files to the PNG directory, which will make all the files in the rightmost two columns available, and replace every image not in the left two columns by their 50x50 equivalent. Then only the images in the left two columns might have to be reconstructed at 50x50 through a more dedicated action than just rendering an SVG. Although some of these already are 50x50.

[Edit] I remade all the remaining images, so all alfaeriePNG are now 50x50.