You are a bit too hard on our non-programmer users. Since Game Courier is partly implemented server side through PHP, and partly client side through JavaScript it is not really possible to know what task is done where if you don't know the exact details of the implementation.
For clarity: the rendering method is decided server side, (so communication with the server is needed to chage it), and only the Table and CSS rendering method, once provided by the server, would allow you to move pieces through mouse clicks.
BTW, isn't it possible to make the system more user friendly by automatically requesting a new page load when someone changes the setting of the render method? It should be possible to attach a JavaScript event handler to such a change of the selected item.
You are a bit too hard on our non-programmer users. Since Game Courier is partly implemented server side through PHP, and partly client side through JavaScript it is not really possible to know what task is done where if you don't know the exact details of the implementation.
For clarity: the rendering method is decided server side, (so communication with the server is needed to chage it), and only the Table and CSS rendering method, once provided by the server, would allow you to move pieces through mouse clicks.
BTW, isn't it possible to make the system more user friendly by automatically requesting a new page load when someone changes the setting of the render method? It should be possible to attach a JavaScript event handler to such a change of the selected item.