Bob Greenwade wrote on Sat, Apr 13, 2024 12:50 AM UTC:
269. Limping Bishop, 270. Limping Rook, and 271. Limping Queen. This was not what I'd planned for today, but Thingiverse is having some technical issues with adding new parts, so I'm going with these.
After seeing many variations on sliders -- ski, skip, slip, spotted, and so on -- I've seen skips of one or two spaces, either one-time or repeated; and I thought, what if a piece had to move three spaces at a time? Well, it wouldn't be much use, I decided; but two out of three seemed viable.
These "Limping" pieces can only move a number of spaces that's either a multiple of 3, or 1 greater than a multiple; in other words, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and so forth. The Limping Bishop, therefore, is afaf(afafaf)FnGG, while the Limping Rook is afaf(afafaf)WnHH.*
In a way, it resembles a skipping step, and I'd call these "Skipping" pieces if that wasn't already taken.
And, obviously, the Limping Queen combines the two moves. (afaf(afafaf)KnSS)
These models are the first time I've sliced open the bases of my pieces, and (from the looks of that Bishop) I think I may need to check them and fill them in.
And of course there are two other possibilities for which step out of three to skip over; they just need good names!
*As H. G. Muller points out in a reply to this, the logical way to write these would be [F?nGG]nGG and [W?nHH]nHH, but as of this moment bracket notation doesn't handle certain things -- such as those combinations -- correctly. (Yet.)
269. Limping Bishop, 270. Limping Rook, and 271. Limping Queen. This was not what I'd planned for today, but Thingiverse is having some technical issues with adding new parts, so I'm going with these.
After seeing many variations on sliders -- ski, skip, slip, spotted, and so on -- I've seen skips of one or two spaces, either one-time or repeated; and I thought, what if a piece had to move three spaces at a time? Well, it wouldn't be much use, I decided; but two out of three seemed viable.
These "Limping" pieces can only move a number of spaces that's either a multiple of 3, or 1 greater than a multiple; in other words, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and so forth. The Limping Bishop, therefore, is afaf(afafaf)FnGG, while the Limping Rook is afaf(afafaf)WnHH.*
In a way, it resembles a skipping step, and I'd call these "Skipping" pieces if that wasn't already taken.
And, obviously, the Limping Queen combines the two moves. (afaf(afafaf)KnSS)
These models are the first time I've sliced open the bases of my pieces, and (from the looks of that Bishop) I think I may need to check them and fill them in.
And of course there are two other possibilities for which step out of three to skip over; they just need good names!
*As H. G. Muller points out in a reply to this, the logical way to write these would be [F?nGG]nGG and [W?nHH]nHH, but as of this moment bracket notation doesn't handle certain things -- such as those combinations -- correctly. (Yet.)