This is for the Darker color scheme, which has a black background. Blue will be fine, since it shows up well against black, and it contrasts with another piece being white. The tallest piece in the Dark scheme's logo is 427, and the height of the logo is 432. Without the pieces, the text part of the logo has a height of 415. If I do like I did with the Light logo, a piece height of 285 would work.
This is for the Darker color scheme, which has a black background. Blue will be fine, since it shows up well against black, and it contrasts with another piece being white. The tallest piece in the Dark scheme's logo is 427, and the height of the logo is 432. Without the pieces, the text part of the logo has a height of 415. If I do like I did with the Light logo, a piece height of 285 would work.