I saw you added the 3d Kanjis back to Chu Seireigi. I went through and tested everything, and here are the errors I found
Incorrect 3d Kanji Readings
Unpromoted Great Leopard (should say 大豹)
Promoted Knight (should say 天馬)
Promoted Silver (should say 走狼)
Promoted Lance, Gold seem to crash/softlock the game
Promoted Copper General (大豹), Promoted Running Wolf (奔猪) assets doesn't load
Promoted Kirin (角行), Promoted Phoenix (飛車) indistinguishable from unpromoted counterparts (kanji should be colored red)
I was surprised that they didn't have the same movements. I wondered whether a different adjective might be better to distinguish them: e.g. cunning fox and vigilant rabbit, Same for the whale with chu shogi.
That was because I found the Wa Running Rabbit to be too similar to the Lance, and knew that it would add too much defense after testing with the Old Kite. So I gave the Running Rabbit the ranging moves from its Taikyoku counterpart while omitting the stepping moves. The reason it has the same name as the Wa Running Rabbit is because it is one of only two Taikyoku pieces to be a rabbit, and I thought the running kanji fit better. As for the whale, its backward bias was a problem, so I replaced that move with the current one.
I saw you added the 3d Kanjis back to Chu Seireigi. I went through and tested everything, and here are the errors I found
Incorrect 3d Kanji Readings
That was because I found the Wa Running Rabbit to be too similar to the Lance, and knew that it would add too much defense after testing with the Old Kite. So I gave the Running Rabbit the ranging moves from its Taikyoku counterpart while omitting the stepping moves. The reason it has the same name as the Wa Running Rabbit is because it is one of only two Taikyoku pieces to be a rabbit, and I thought the running kanji fit better. As for the whale, its backward bias was a problem, so I replaced that move with the current one.