This makes it sound as if pieces can switch side (which, without the Conquer rule, isn't possible here); really you'd have to explicit that it's moving from a white square to a black one, or v.v.
To avoid possible but not very likely misunderstandings, I now consistently use 'white square to black square' (and v.v.) instead of 'white to black'.
As for the bishop: I also wanted to let it morph; since it moves on the same color squares, I chose to differentiate between even and odd ranks. This opens up the possibility of changing the color diagonal via the dragon horse.
To avoid possible but not very likely misunderstandings, I now consistently use 'white square to black square' (and v.v.) instead of 'white to black'.
As for the bishop: I also wanted to let it morph; since it moves on the same color squares, I chose to differentiate between even and odd ranks. This opens up the possibility of changing the color diagonal via the dragon horse.