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For some reason, I have not been able to implement the flipping feature in
the preset with Shogi-style images.
So, I changed the images to be all right-side-up instead of Shogi-style.
<p>If anyone can point out my error in the original file that would allow
flipping, here it is:
$dir = 'http://www.chessvariants.com/graphics.dir/gifford/';
$pieces = array(
'a' => 'cpawn_b.gif', 'A' => 'cpawn_r.gif',
'b' => 'wbishop_b.gif', 'B' => 'wbishop_r.gif',
'c' => 'cannon_b.gif', 'C' => 'cannon_r.gif',
'd' => 'promoted_lance_b.gif', 'D' => 'promoted_lance_r.gif',
'e' => 'elephant_b.gif', 'E' => 'elephant_r.gif',
'f' => 'promoted_sbishop_b.gif', 'F' =>
'g' => 'guard_b.gif', 'G' => 'guard_r.gif',
'h' => 'promoted_silver_b.gif', 'H' => 'promoted_silver_r.gif',
'i' => 'promoted_sknight_b.gif', 'I' =>
'k' => 'king_b.gif', 'K' => 'king_r.gif',
'l' => 'lance_b.gif', 'L' => 'lance_r.gif',
'n' => 'wknight_b.gif', 'N' => 'wknight_r.gif',
'p' => 'wpawn_b.gif', 'P' => 'wpawn_r.gif',
'q' => 'queen_b.gif', 'Q' => 'queen_r.gif',
'r' => 'wrook_b.gif', 'R' => 'wrook_r.gif',
's' => 'silver_b.gif', 'S' => 'silver_r.gif',
'u' => 'promoted_spawn_b.gif', 'U' =>
'v' => 'promoted_srook_b.gif', 'V' =>
'w' => 'sbishop_b.gif', 'W' => 'sbishop_r.gif',
'x' => 'sknight_b.gif', 'X' => 'sknight_r.gif',
'y' => 'spawn_b.gif', 'Y' => 'spawn_r.gif',
'z' => 'srook_b.gif', 'Z' => 'srook_r.gif'
$flipped = array(
'a' => 'cpawn_b_rev.gif', 'A' => 'cpawn_r_rev.gif',
'b' => 'wbishop_b_rev.gif', 'B' => 'wbishop_r_rev.gif',
'c' => 'cannon_b_rev.gif', 'C' => 'cannon_r_rev.gif',
'd' => 'promoted_lance_b_rev.gif', 'D' =>
'e' => 'elephant_b_rev.gif', 'E' => 'elephant_r_rev.gif',
'f' => 'promoted_sbishop_b_rev.gif', 'F' =>
'g' => 'guard_b_rev.gif', 'G' => 'guard_r_rev.gif',
'h' => 'promoted_silver_b_rev.gif', 'H' =>
'i' => 'promoted_sknight_b_rev.gif', 'I' =>
'k' => 'king_b_rev.gif', 'K' => 'king_r_rev.gif',
'l' => 'lance_b_rev.gif', 'L' => 'lance_r_rev.gif',
'n' => 'wknight_b_rev.gif', 'N' => 'wknight_r_rev.gif',
'p' => 'wpawn_b_rev.gif', 'P' => 'wpawn_r_rev.gif',
'q' => 'queen_b_rev.gif', 'Q' => 'queen_r_rev.gif',
'r' => 'wrook_b_rev.gif', 'R' => 'wrook_r_rev.gif',
's' => 'silver_b_rev.gif', 'S' => 'silver_r_rev.gif',
'u' => 'promoted_spawn_b_rev.gif', 'U' =>
'v' => 'promoted_srook_b_rev.gif', 'V' =>
'w' => 'sbishop_b_rev.gif', 'W' => 'sbishop_r_rev.gif',
'x' => 'sknight_b_rev.gif', 'X' => 'sknight_r_rev.gif',
'y' => 'spawn_b_rev.gif', 'Y' => 'spawn_r_rev.gif',
'z' => 'srook_b_rev.gif', 'Z' => 'srook_r_rev.gif'
$flip = true;