The fairychess-style code I was going for was giving me serious grief, so I decided to instead try to implement the Lion-trading rule display in this preset instead. No luck so far, though its plausible I am just being an idiot. For now, I will leave this preset as the default one, and leave it in its current state, which I know works properly. It might not be ideal, but it is good enough. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in whether I could, that I don't stop to think whether I should.
The fairychess-style code I was going for was giving me serious grief, so I decided to instead try to implement the Lion-trading rule display in this preset instead. No luck so far, though its plausible I am just being an idiot. For now, I will leave this preset as the default one, and leave it in its current state, which I know works properly. It might not be ideal, but it is good enough. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in whether I could, that I don't stop to think whether I should.