A. Panaino "La novella degli scacchi e della tavola reale", 1999, p167-174.
When I tried to download the PDF for this, all I got was an abstract. Is there anyplace I can download the actual document?
Concluded by: non mi sembra necessario cercare a tutti i costi di inserire un "carro" nella lista dei pezzi del WCN. L'interpretazione "fianco" si pone come una soluzione non solo elegante sul piano della restituzione filologica, ma estremamente economica su quello etimologico. Infatti, se è evidente, come è comunamente accettato, che Ferdowsi non riconosce nel rux (=rukh) un "carro".
Bing translated this to
I don't think it's necessary to try at all costs to put a "wagon" in the WCN's list of pieces. The "side" interpretation is not only an elegant solution in terms of philological restitution, but extremely economical in terms of etymology. In fact, if it is evident, as is commonly accepted, that Ferdowsi does not recognize in the rux (=rukh) a "chariot".
Since I don't know about "the WCN's list of pieces," "the 'side' interpretation," or Ferdowski, most of this is opaque to me. Also, I am more interested in what his evidence and reasoning is than I am in his conclusion.
When I tried to download the PDF for this, all I got was an abstract. Is there anyplace I can download the actual document?
Bing translated this to
Since I don't know about "the WCN's list of pieces," "the 'side' interpretation," or Ferdowski, most of this is opaque to me. Also, I am more interested in what his evidence and reasoning is than I am in his conclusion.