(Finally got my ID, since it looks like I'm posting more than one or two
messages :)
Since at least initially Navia Dratp will only have a small audience, and
players will be fairly few and far inbetween, by location or schedule (in
my case) I have been toying with creating a simple online/play-by-email
adaptation to try and get to play with other enthusiasts.
As a warm-up I have created a Tori Shogi adaptation (on which Navia Dratp
seems to be loosely based) using a generic, free/open-source
boardgame/wargame engine called the Vassal engine
(http://vassalengine.org/) which runs on all major OSes, and allows for
both online and play-by-email gaming.
If you would like to give it a shot, the beta can be found in the
'Files' section of the Yahoo Group of the same name.
Also let me know if you would be interested in playing that way. I admit
that regrettably any virtual version won't let you use the nice physical
components but at least you get to play... and hey, I plan to make an
effort to make it as nice as possible (see my Tori Shogi adaptation)