Announcement: Creation of a Yahoo group for people interested in Navia
I guess I have too much time on my hands ;) One thing I want to be clear
about is that I don't mean that group to be in some sort of competition
with this one, and I think this one will perhaps remain a little more
mature, especially if ND should ever really catch on.
However, the _free_ benefits of the NDE Yahoo group are, as with every
group there: the searchable archive, the free file storage area (which I
set up to include a folder for peoples' tradelists), picture gallery
(for, among others, their own custom paintjobs people have talked about
here) etc. It should be a nice complement to this one.
I also uploaded my Tori Shogi adaptation, which is more easily accessible
since membership is open for now (unlike the Vassalengine group) If
nothing else, it will allow you to test the Vassalengine/Java setup on
your machine if you are interested in trying out the ND adaptation I plan
on releasing in the future.