'Carrera Random Chess' has become 'Pairwise Drop Chess'. Two games were played on the CV Game Courier in December 2004. You start a game by choosing one of five pairs: R+R, N+N, B+B, K+Q, Archbishop+Chancellor and placing the two pieces on your first rank. Bishops must be placed on opposite color squares. Each player copies the opponent's drops, placing pieces on the same files, and then chooses another pair. This process uses up the first three moves of the game.
Each king may 'free castle' once in the game with either the nearest rook on its left side or the nearest rook on its right side. This variant idea comes from the Kibitzer web article 'Bring Back Free Castling!' by Tim Harding. Note that free castling simply switches the King and Rook, if they are adjacent at the start of play. A Pawn promotes on the last rank to a Chancellor, Queen, or Archbishop of the same color. Nothing else.
Thanks to George Duke for reminding me of The Kibitzer #31, in his 2004-09-24 comment to Grotesque Chess.
Each king may 'free castle' once in the game with either the nearest rook on its left side or the nearest rook on its right side. This variant idea comes from the Kibitzer web article 'Bring Back Free Castling!' by Tim Harding. Note that free castling simply switches the King and Rook, if they are adjacent at the start of play. A Pawn promotes on the last rank to a Chancellor, Queen, or Archbishop of the same color. Nothing else.
Thanks to George Duke for reminding me of The Kibitzer #31, in his 2004-09-24 comment to Grotesque Chess.