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Xiangqi: Chinese Chess. Links and rules for Xiangqi (Chinese Chess). (9x10, Cells: 90) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Dan wrote on Sun, Jul 7, 2002 09:11 PM UTC:
I can prove that chess originated in china. First China is a nation that likes to be isolated. Also Indian scolarers have said that the first sign of chess was around the six century A.D. Chinese soclarers have had it in the record book that the first game of chess was invented in the second century B.C. Indian soclarers have said that chinese chess isn't chess because it is played on the points and it has a river, so it isn't chess. I say if you eat a choclate cake and you eat a banna cake, they are both cakes even though they taste different. Make it clear, India did not invent chess first, china did. Also then how come, chess reached Japan if the Indian's and Europeans didn't discover it so soon? China is right next to Korea and Japan. I rest my case.