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<P>R. Wayne Schmittberger, creator of Extinction Chess, has ruled that it would be a win for White if White's last Pawn captured Black's last Bishop on the last rank. This corresponds with how I already programmed the rules for Game Courier. In my email to him, I described the situation given in a previous comment, and I asked, 'In this move, should the capture take priority over the promotion, so that White wins, or do capture and promotion take equal priority, so that the game is drawn?' Here is his response to my email:</P>
It's a good question, and I agree that either rule can be supported by logic. Although I'm sure this will never come up in practice, I would favor this scenario being a win for White. One reason is that I like draw margins to be as small as possible; in at least one other game that I invented (Flying Obelisks--see April 2004 Games Magazine), where it was theoretically possible for both sides to achieve victory conditions simultaneously, I chose the rule that whoever brought about that position by making the last move was the winner. Another reason is an intuitive sense that the victory conditions aren't quite fulfilled simultaneously--the bishop comes off the board an infinitesimal amount of time before the pawn (which, after all, moved as a pawn to make the capture) must promote.