Results in the first two rounds in the Kriegspel Tournament in Monaco:
Kriegspiel Round 1 (12th?, if we consider the 11 previous Rapid and
Blindfold games)
Bareev-Anand 1-0
Vallejo-Kramnik 1/2
Shirov-Ivanchuk 0-1
Leko-Svidler 1-0
Morozevich-Van Wely 0-1
Gelfand-Topalov 1-0
Kriegspiel Round 2 (13th?)
Anand-Bareev 0-1
Kramnik-Vallejo 1-0
Ivanchuk-Shirov 1/2
Svidler-Leko 0-1
Van Wely-Morozevich 0-1
Topalov-Gelfand 1-0
Bareev and Leko have played Kriegspel many, many times, for years, and
Bareev is specially strong in this 'detective' variant... I have read
that Leko has played many other Chess variants, but I don´t know which of