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Hopefully, brown works at least a little better.
It doesn't. The coloring is very splotchy, though more so on curved surfaces than on flat surfaces, as can be seen in this color image of a color scan of my Likebook Mars:
Yeah, it's the curves all right -- specifically, curves that are both horizontal and vertical.
There's not much to be done about that, unfortunately, mostly because I don't have many pieces (almost none, in fact) that don't have that feature. Either you'll have to use just the Nightrider, or Lifebook Mars users will just have to deal.
I can try to find some pieces of that sort, like the Vivi and Double Cross, but there aren't going to be many.
That said, I really like the brown ones in full-color mode.
I think I can work with the website, but I don't have a link to Bob's thingiverse account. Considering how many 3D pieces he designs, it would be a good idea for him to include a link to it in his profile.
@Fergus: Here:
And I'll get right on putting the link in my profile.
The coloring is very splotchy, though more so on curved surfaces than on flat surfaces, as can be seen in this color image of a color scan of my Likebook Mars:
Conventional solution for this problem is to apply 'dither' to the image: add white noise to the brightness of the individual pixels, randomly chosen from a homogeneous distribution that has the width of one brightness quantum.
I followed the link to your thingiverse profile, but I didn't see all the pieces you have posted images of here in your comments. The closest I found to a Nightrider was the Zebrarider.
I figured out that you're packaging multiple pieces together, and I have to browse through each package to see them all.
To find a specific piece, you can type the piece name and "chess" into the search bar. You'll get a limited number of possibilities, and the piece you want is most often in the last one under my name.
I have added new logos for the Darker color scheme. They feature a black cannon and a natural colored nightrider in the style of a winged horse. In the big logo on this page, the cannon was designed by Jean-Louis Cazaux and the nightrider by Bob Greenwade.
I also see that some of my icons also made the grade for the row along the bottom. Awesome! I seriously am truly honored.
(They're not the three I would've chosen myself, to be honest, but to get anything at all is more than I could've expected!)
We cannot publish anything new or edit metadata of existing pages! System stops us on the 2nd step, tells us that we are veteran contributors with more than nine published submissions (even if it’s my old acc without any pages on it), says that we cannot publish anything if we have nine submissions for review (even if you have a few or none of them in this status), and, to publish a new page, we should convert a members-only page to work-in-progress (which is also impossible because to do so we should edit metadata which it treats as creating new page) or collaborate with editors, which is the last remaining way for us.
The champion and phoenix were chosen to help spell cvp.
As it happens, two of the options I would've given over Champion are Cardinal and Camel.
And since I'm mentioning it, where you put the Fortress I would've suggested something more whimsical or offbeat: Butler, Piglet Pawn, Viking, Eighth Note, Waffle, Noose, Poison, Wrench, Coil, or Emo Starstruck. (Or, put the Infinity as the last icon, suggesting the nigh-infinite possibilities!)
As it happens, two of the options I would've given over Champion are Cardinal and Camel.
I have avoided using Cardinal or Chancellor for C, because the Cardinal is also known as an Archbishop, Princess, Paladin, and other names, and the Chancellor is also known as Marshall, Empress, and other names. I was initially using the Alfaerie Camel, but in looking over your pieces, I decided I liked your Champion better than the Alfaerie Champion.
And since I'm mentioning it, where you put the Fortress I would've suggested something more whimsical or offbeat:
I was going for something more suggestive of a Chess variant piece when seen out of context. A doubled-up Rook is one of those obvious designs that you, Jean-Louis Cazaux, and Musketeer Chess have all used.
This should be fixed now.
All that's fair enough. It's your decision, after all; but thanks for at least respecting my input (which not everyone does tbh).
Still, at least the Fortress could be a different color, like gold or grey. (I personally would opt for lime, lavendar, or fuchsia, but in context that'd be a bit much.)
I decided I liked your Champion better than the Alfaerie Champion.
This in particular is a great compliment. :)
Hey, it seems like both logos in dark & darker mode have the same silver moon image in them. Can I suggest one replacement in darker logo? – change moon to khon:
which is the same piece but was drawn by me for another graphics btw;)
But not without errors… that’s its new answer on 2nd stage:
Hey, it seems like both logos in dark & darker mode have the same silver moon image in them.
They do not. One is from the Motif Shogi set, and one is from the Symbolic Shogi set.
Can I suggest one replacement in darker logo? – change moon to khon:
No, the moon, as a symbol of the night, is representative of the color scheme. But I might replace it with another moon-themed piece, such as the Alfaerie Mage. Then I might replace another piece with a Kanji Shogi piece.
I have not located the page mentioned in your screenshot. What is its URL? If you were attempting to create a new page, please make that clear. I need every relevant detail when you make a bug report.
I have not located the page mentioned in your screenshot. What is its URL?
That’s not what I meant. I was looking for Reche's Super Faceoff Masquerade and could not find it. Please be clear about what you were doing and walk me through it step by step.
- I click “Post Your New Game”;
- I enter index information and click “Step 2”;
- Then I face impossibility to create new item due to this bug.
I had the same problem and same message. Now, this has changed and when I try to enter a new game, here called "NewgamecazauxIdontbelieveitexists", I get this:
Error: You may not edit NewgamecazauxIdontbelieveitexists, because this (MS) is a preexisting submission that you (jean-louiscazaux) are not the author (duniho or ) of. If you chose the same name by coincidence, please go back and enter a different name.
I've made several tentatives. Apparently, I cannot enter any new game.
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I was just thinking that it might be time to take a break and let Fergus address the issue you and (IIRC) David are having.