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Yes, one thing makes a difference. Oranges should only be capturable by shopping carts.OK, I fixed that.
On a different subject, why differentiate between golden and plastic keyboards?To make it different than chess in the way that both players can start with different army! (Look at the setup of the board)
There are a couple of points where the wording could be improved. 'If it steps on an opponent piece it is captured and is permanently off the board' seems to imply that the moving piece is captured, rather than the opposing piece. Also, the phrase 'your other Mook' in the description of seeing red could be taken to mean that one must have two Mooks in order to see red.
There are a couple of points where the wording could be improved. 'If it steps on an opponent piece it is captured and is permanently off the board' seems to imply that the moving piece is captured, rather than the opposing piece. Also, the phrase 'your other Mook' in the description of seeing red could be taken to mean that one must have two Mooks in order to see red.
Two other notes. First, ShoppingCarts should be able to promote on the square where a Rex began, as well as those you list. Second, you only need 71 squares--the last Fire is irrelevant to the play.
OK, I fixed those things. But I didn't remove the last square, because it isn't important to do that. I know the last Fire is irrelevant to the play, but I will keep it in, in case other variants of this game come up (copying rules from other variants) to see what happens and how relevant the extra square is in these variant rules.
Now, I notice this game still uses a board. (How quaint!) I suggest replacing the board with a deck of cards, or perhaps a voice-operated game where a player tells the opponent what he wants the piece positions to be...
I have a few ideas for language to use in international tournaments:
- Latin
- Ancient Egyptian
I also nominate Chinese, since the game could use something that makes it sound like an Eastern variant.
The idea of expressing 2d Chess as a 1d game has obvious extrapolation to expressing 3d or even 4d games in 2d. Of course this would use several Fires in a row, forming a Firewall - to go with the Computers and Keyboards, I suppose!
Well, David Howe is the keeper of the comment system, and he seems to be unavailable at the moment. I don't think any of the rest of us have much of clue of how it works, except maybe Fergus?
As far as letting other people use my code for the commenting system -- I certainly have no objection. I shall work on packaging the code and documenting how to use it. Perhaps I shall even clean it up and make it more generic. However, that is all in my spare time, of which, I seem to have less and less these days.
My apologies to all the people I haven't gotten back to. Believe me, I still intend to get back to you all. Perhaps over the holidays! ;-)
I'll repost this question, since the old message got lost: What happens if you make a move, but forget to say 'Ouch'? My suggestion: Your opponent gets to punch you in the arm. That should provoke an 'Ouch!'
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On a different subject, why differentiate between golden and plastic keyboards?