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The pieces change on ranks 3, 5 and 7 according to the default
I don't understand what the ‘default’ is here. Nor is it clear that that part of the sentence is necessary or useful. Other than that I see no major issues here
Though incidentally, I don't fully understand some of the inconsistencies in the piece descriptions across your pages; some are described fully before the diagram whereas some defer it for afterwards; Wazir and Ferz as components apparently don't require explicit description, but (k)nightrider (e.g. in R‐Chess where it doesn't appear alone) does; changing colour is somehow special for the dragon horse but not for the cardinal or the TCB rook… none of which I find severe enough to block publication, but it'd make more sense 'imo for these things to be brought in line one way or the other
Also here having three diagrams that show the initial setup seems redundant.
The move diagrams seem to be screenshots from an Interactive Diagram, but they use color coding for the moves. This mode of highlighting turned out to be unsatisfactory on monochrome displays, which was the reason that a mode was added to the I.D. that highlights with symbols recognizable by their shape, in addition to color. The I.D. would automatically switch to that mode when it detects a gray-scale display, and can do that because it is interactive. For static images I would recommend using the shaped marker symbols in the screenshots, forcing that mode of highlighting by including the line useMarkers=1 in the Diagram definition.
The remark in red on the Dragon Horse seems superfluous, and even a bit patronizing; the reader can expected to be smart enough to notice such hings himself. You don't write a similar remark for tha Cardinal, where it would apply just as well. But it is normal that pieces can access the entire board; alsmost all pieces do that. If anything would deserve a special note, it would be on pieces that are color bound.
The Pawn can move and capture one or two squares forward.
Also here it doesn't specify how a King would morph.
… none of which I find severe enough to block publication, but it'd make more sense 'imo for these things to be brought in line one way or the other
If that's the case, I'm actually quite happy.
I'm sure I can't please everyone in the description.
I have done my best to make the description as comprehensible as possible. I will not have reached the 100 percent level, I agree with you. But everything below that, which is necessary to understand the variant, should be enough.
Serious errors must of course be corrected.
In the future I will try to force the highlighting mode by inserting the line useMarkers=1 into the diagram definition. I hope I can manage this step.
I have made some changes.
It's still completely obscure to me what exactly is meant by “according to the default”. I have the impression of a dictionary translation from German with an unfortunate bad guess…
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