Captain's Chess
A game not much different from orthodox chess in general idea. The initial setups for black and white mirror each other diametrically. Game played on an 9x8 board. Bishops, rooks and pawns promote on each player's eighth rank. Rules for promotion, winning conditions, and castling differs from orthodox chess.
Starting position: R N C B K Q B N R P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P R N B Q K B C N R Ranks 2 and 7: 9xPs Ranks 1 and 8 (each player's left to right): RNBQKBCNR
Only new piece in the setup is the Captain (C), which moves like a knight + wazir compound. Bishops promote to crowned bishops on each player's eighth rank. They are bishop + wazir compounds. Rooks promote to crowned rooks on each player's eighth rank. They are rook + fers compounds.
Change of rules from orthodox chess: ¤ The game is played on a checkered 9x8 board instead of an 8x8 board. White’s left corner square is black. ¤ Castling means that the king slides 3 squares to either side and that the rook on that side ends up adjacent to the king, but on the other side. ¤ C=Captain piece. The captain moves like a knight + wazir compound. It takes out enemy agents the same way it moves. ¤ Pawns promote to captains. This happens on the player’s eighth rank. ¤ Bishops promote to crowned bishops on the player’s eighth rank. Crowned bishops move like bishop + wazir compounds. ¤ Rooks promote to crowned rooks. Crowned rooks move like rook + fers compounds. This happens on the player’s eighth rank. ¤ One loses the game by being mated, being reduced to bare king, or being without legal moves when it’s one’s turn to move.
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By Patrik Hedman.
Last revised by Patrik Hedman.
Web page created: 2014-03-16. Web page last updated: 2023-02-15