Great Rider Reef
By Gerd P. Degens
The game requires a 11 x 13 board. There are only 'riders' (-night, -cardinal, -chancellor, -amazon, -zebracamel) in the game - besides pawns and king, of course.. There is a barrier on rank 7 that must be overcome. This is how the name 'Great Rider Reef' came about - in reference to 'Great Barrier Reef'.
There are only 'riders' (-night, -cardinal, -chancellor, -amazon, -zebracamel) in the game  - besides pawns and king, of course.
Except for the following changes, the Fide rules apply.
There is no capturing en passant, castling and promotion of pawns takes place.
Bare king loses. Stalemate is a win.
Move options
The pawn moves as follows:
The nightrider can perform the move of a knight once or several times in sequence. A piece on a target square cannot be jumped over.
The zecari is a hybrid figure of the zebra and camel figure and moves as follows:
The chancellorrider is a hybrid figure consisting of a rook and a nightrider.
The amazonrider is a hybrid figure consisting of a queen and a nightrider.
The king can move to an adjoining square and castles as follows:
Play It!
Great Rider Reef on Game Courier
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By Gerd P. Degens.
Last revised by Gerd Degens.
Web page created: 2024-04-19. Web page last updated: 2024-04-19