Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Daphne Snowmoon. This game is a favorite of its inventor.

Mansindam (Pantheon Tale)

Mansindam (萬神談) / Pantheon tale

: A variant that combines 'drop' rule and strong pieces, and there is no draw.



輝 騎 閣 禁 會 太 猊 騎 司
口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口
步 步 步 步 步 步 步 步 步
口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口
口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口
口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口
步 步 步 步 步 步 步 步 步
口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口
司 騎 猊 太 易 禁 閣 騎 輝




Every piece gains non-royal King's move in addition to their move when promoted.


Bo(步)/Pawn(P) : Moves one square orthogonally forward. Promotes to Guard.


Cho(哨)/Guard(G) : Moves one square orthogonally or diagonally.


Gi(騎)/Knight(N) : Moves to the nearest squares among squares that do not correspond to the same file, rank, and diagonal from its position. Promotes to Centaur.


Un(雲)/Centaur(E) : Moves like a Knight or a Guard.


Gak(閣)/Bishop(B) : Moves any number of squares diagonally. Promotes to Archer.


Pyeon(片)/Archer(H) : Moves like a Bishop, or a Guard.


Hwi(輝)/Rook(R) : Moves any number of squares orthogonally. Promotes to Tiger.


Sun(舜)/Tiger(T) : Moves like a Rook or a Guard.


Ye(猊)/Cardinal(C) : Moves like a Bishop or a Knight. Promotes to Rhino.


 Seong(聖)/Rhino(I) : Moves like a Bishop, a Knight, or a Guard.


 Sa(司)/Marshal(M) : Moves like a Rook or a Knight. Promotes to Ship.


 Gu(龜)/Ship(S) : Moves like a Rook, a Knight, or a Guard.


Tae(太)/Queen(Q) : Moves like a Bishop or a Rook. Does not promote.


Geum(禁)/Angel(A) : Moves like a Bishop, a Rook, or a Knight. Does not promote.


Yeok(易)=Hoe(會) : Moves one square orthogonally or diagonally. Does not promote.

- When called without distinction between Yeok and Hoe, it is simply called Wang(王)/King(K). (therefore, in notation, Yeok and Hoe are written as same 王/K.)


Cardinal, Rhino, Ship, and Angel can make a checkmate alone.



About King :

- The state in which your King is attacked by opponent's piece is called Check. if your King has no way to get out of the opponent's check on that turn, call it Checkmate and you are defeated.

- At any time, the King cannot move to a square attacked by the opponent's piece.


About Basic Rules :

- The player with Yeok is called White, and the player with Hoe is called Black.

- White moves first, and Black moves next. They move alternately and the game continues until one player is defeated.

- There is no passing a turn.

- There is no Castling.

- There is no 50-move rule.


About Promotion :

- 7th, 8th, 9th rank is called Enemy camp.

- Reversing the top and bottom of a piece is called Promotion.

- When your piece (except Queen, Angel, and King) reaches the enemy camp, it is promoted.

- When your piece (except Queen, Angel, and King) moves in Enemy camp, that piece is promoted.

- This promotion is compulsory. So if your piece can be promoted, it must be promoted.

- There is no limit to the number of pieces that can be promoted. In other words, all pieces except the Queen, Angel, and King can promote freely.

- The promoted piece cannot demote until it is captured by the opponent.

- When a promoted piece is captured by an opponent, that piece loses the promotion (ie it is in its pre-promotion state).


About Drop :

- The piece you captured is called Hand piece.

- Your hand piece is placed on a Piece stand(the square plate on which you place the captured piece).

- Your hand piece may thus be placed on an empty square on the board on your turn. Only one piece may be dropped on the board per turn, and this must be done instead of moving a piece on the board. (This is called Drop.)

- On the turn you drop a piece in the enemy camp, that piece is not promoted. After being dropped, it can be promoted only by moving it.

- Piece must always be dropped in their pre-promotion state.

- You can deliver a check or checkmate to your opponent by dropping a piece.

- The Pawn can deliver a checkmate to the opponent by dropping it just like any other piece.

- The Pawn cannot be dropped on a file where your other Pawn already exists.

- Only Pawns cannot be dropped to the last(9th) rank.


 About Stalemate :

 - The player who can no longer move or drop pieces loses.


About Campmate :

- The player whose King reaches last rank first wins. (Of course, your King cannot move to a square that your opponent is attacking.)


About Threefold repetition :

- Neither White nor Black can repeat the same situation three times. Even if it is not repeated in succession, if the same situation is repeated twice in one game, no one can repeat the situation again.


About Surrender :

- When you surrender, you declare surrender by placing your King on your piece stand.



About full name of each Piece :

步 : 步兵 ⇒ 哨 : 哨兵

騎 : 騎士 ⇒ 雲 : 雲劍

閣 : 閣下 ⇒ 片 : 片箭

輝 : 輝之 ⇒ 舜 : 舜臣

猊 : 猊下 ⇒ 聖 : 聖下

司 : 司徒 ⇒ 龜 : 龜船

太 : 太尉

禁 : 禁軍

易 : 易王 = 會 : 會王


About Mansindam definition in variants.ini :

# Mansindam (Pantheon tale)
# A variant that combines drop rule and powerful pieces, and there is no draw
variantTemplate = shogi
pieceToCharTable = PNBR.Q.CMA.++++...++Kpnbr.q.cma.++++...++k
maxFile = 9
maxRank = 9
pocketSize = 8
startFen = rnbakqcnm/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/9/MNCQKABNR[] w - - 0 1
pieceDrops = true
capturesToHand = true
shogiPawn = p
knight = n
bishop = b
rook = r
queen = q
archbishop = c
chancellor = m
amazon = a
king = k
commoner = g
centaur = e
dragonHorse = h
bers = t
customPiece1 = i:BNW
customPiece2 = s:RNF
promotionRank = 7
doubleStep = false
castling = false
promotedPieceType = p:g n:e b:h r:t c:i m:s
dropNoDoubled = p
stalemateValue = loss
nMoveRule = 0
nFoldValue = loss
flagPiece = k
whiteFlag = *9
blackFlag = *1
immobilityIllegal = true

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By Daphne Snowmoon.

Last revised by Daphne Snowmoon.

Web page created: 2022-10-23. Web page last updated: 2022-11-12

Revisions of MSmansindam