Zillions of Games Saved Game file for:
Grand Chess
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This is a Zillions of Games Saved Game file. You need to have the Zillions of Games program installed on your system to be able to use it. You will also need the particular Zillions of Games rules file installed on your system. For more information on Zillions of Games, go to their site at Zillions of Games.Instructions on downloading this Zillions Saved Game file:
- Download the .zsg file
- Save the .zsg file in your Zillions of Games folder.
- Start Zillions and selected the Open Saved Game menu item.
- Select the file you downloaded.
Grand Chess is a Zillions Saved Game file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Large board.
<p>This game was played in the 2003 Multivariant Play By E-Mail Tournament.</p> <p>Tony Quintanilla played White. Michael Nelson played Black. White resigns after Black's move 24. See the above illustration.</p> <p>Nelson comments:</p> <p>8. . . . Knight g7 x e6 threatens to trade Knight and Rook for Empress.<br> 9. Bishop h2 - e5 causes the loss of the Bishop as well. Best is King<br> e2 -d1 for a fairly even game.<br> 15. . . . Knight f6 x e4 the start of another combination.<br> 16. Princess g2 x e4 is best defense: if Rook e1 x e4 then Queen d9 x d5 +<br> and the Rook will be taken on the next move. The actual line saves the Rook,<br> but Black can force the exchange of Queens.<br> 19. . . . Princess f7 x b3 + White might well have resigned here.</p> <p><u>Moves List:</u></p> <table border="1" width="300"> <tr> <td width="22" align="center"> <p> </p> </td> <td width="125" align="center"> <p><b>White</b></p> </td> <td width="131" align="center"> <p><b>Black</b></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">1</td> <td width="125"> Pawn e3 - e5</td> <td width="131"> Pawn e8 - e6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">2</td> <td width="125"> Pawn f3 - f5</td> <td width="131"> Knight b9 - c7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">3</td> <td width="125"> Pawn f5 x e6</td> <td width="131"> Knight c7 x e6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">4</td> <td width="125"> Pawn d3 - d5</td> <td width="131"> Knight e6 - g7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">5</td> <td width="125"> Empress f2 - e4</td> <td width="131"> Rook a10 - e10</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">6</td> <td width="125"> Pawn g3 - g4</td> <td width="131"> King e9 - d10</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">7</td> <td width="125"> Knight i2 - h4</td> <td width="131"> Princess g9 - f7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">8</td> <td width="125"> Pawn e5 - e6</td> <td width="131"> Knight g7 x e6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">9</td> <td width="125"> Bishop h2 - e5</td> <td width="131"> Knight e6 - c7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">10</td> <td width="125"> Bishop e5 x c7</td> <td width="131"> Rook e10 x e4</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">11</td> <td width="125"> Bishop c2 x e4</td> <td width="131"> Pawn d8 x c7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">12</td> <td width="125"> Pawn c3 - c5</td> <td width="131"> Rook j10 - e10</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">13</td> <td width="125"> King e2 - d1</td> <td width="131"> Knight i9 - h7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">14</td> <td width="125"> Rook j1 - e1</td> <td width="131"> Knight h7 - f6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">15</td> <td width="125"> Queen d2 x j8</td> <td width="131"> Knight f6 x e4</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">16</td> <td width="125"> Princess g2 x e4</td> <td width="131"> Rook e10 x e4</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">17</td> <td width="125"> Rook e1 x e4</td> <td width="131"> Queen d9 x d5</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">18</td> <td width="125"> Queen j8 - d2</td> <td width="131"> Queen d5 x d2</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">19</td> <td width="125"> King d1 x d2</td> <td width="131"> Princess f7 x b3</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">20</td> <td width="125"> King d2 - c3</td> <td width="131"> Princess b3 x a1</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">21</td> <td width="125"> Rook e4 - d4</td> <td width="131"> King d10 - c10</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">22</td> <td width="125"> Rook d4 - d1</td> <td width="131"> Bishop c9 - f6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">23</td> <td width="125"> King c3 - b4</td> <td width="131"> Princess a1 x b2</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center">24</td> <td width="125"> Rook d1 - d2</td> <td width="131"> Bishop f6 - c3</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22" align="center"> </td> <td width="125"> resigns</td> </tr> </table>
<FORM ACTION='http://play.chessvariants.com/pbm/play.php' METHOD=POST> <INPUT TYPE='submit' NAME='submit' VALUE='View' onMouseOver='window.status='Click here to view this game with the web-based PBM'; return true' onMouseOut='window.status=''; return true'><BR> <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='game' VALUE='Grand Chess'> <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cols' VALUE='10'> <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='set' VALUE='alfaerie1'> <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='rules' VALUE='/large.dir/freeling.html'> <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='code' VALUE='r8r1nbqkmabn1pppppppppp40PPPPPPPPPP1NBQKMABN1R8R'> <TEXTAREA NAME='description' READONLY COLS=125 ROWS=14, STYLE='overflow:hidden'>View this game using the Play-By-Mail system! Just click on the "View" button to start the view system. Then, to see a specific move, scroll down to the move in the move window and click the "View" button again! </TEXTAREA><TEXTAREA READONLY NAME='movelist' ROWS=5 COLS=15> 1. P e3-e5 1... p e8-e6 2. P f3-f5 2... n b9-c7 3. P f5-e6 3... n c7-e6 4. P d3-d5 4... n e6-g7 5. M f2-e4 5... r a10-e10 6. P g3-g4 6... k e9-d10 7. N i2-h4 7... a g9-f7 8. P e5-e6 8... n g7-e6 9. B h2-e5 9... n e6-c7 10. B e5-c7 10... r e10-e4 11. B c2-e4 11... p d8-c7 12. P c3-c5 12... r j10-e10 13. K e2-d1 13... n i9-h7 14. R j1-e1 14... n h7-f6 15. Q d2-j8 15... n f6-e4 16. A g2-e4 16... r e10-e4 17. R e1-e4 17... q d9-d5 18. Q j8-d2 18... q d5-d2 19. K d1-d2 19... a f7-b3 20. K d2-c3 20... a b3-a1 21. R e4-d4 21... k d10-c10 22. R d4-d1 22... b c9-f6 23. K c3-b4 23... a a1-b2 24. R d1-d2 24... b f6-c3 </TEXTAREA></FORM>

Other Information
The board used for this game has 10 row(s), 10 column(s), 100 cells/squares.
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See Also
Comments on Grand Chess. Notes on Grand Chess and a variant. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Grand Chess. Christian Freeling's popular large chess variant on 10 by 10 board. Rules and links. (10x10, Cells: 100) (Recognized!) Author: Greg Strong and Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
Grand Chess. Considered among the best of the large-board setups. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
Grand Chess. Play Grand Chess with Jocly. Author: Michel Gutierrez and Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
Grand Chess. Decimal variant with Cardinals and Marshalls. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
Grand Chess Set. Photographs of a commercially available Grand Chess set. Author: David Howe. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
Grand Chess
. Version using Alfaerie graphics. Author: David Howe. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
Grand Chess
. Download this Zillions Saved Game file to see this game played in the Multivariant Play by E-Mail Tournament. Author: John Lawson and Peter Aronson. Inventor: Christian Freeling.
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Multivariant Tournament 2003. 2003 Multivariant PBEM tournament headquarters page. Author: Glenn Overby II.
2003 Multivariant compiled ZRF
. All designs (except Extinction) to be used in upcoming tournament. Author: Glenn Overby II and Various.
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. Download this file to see this game played in the Multivariant Play by E-Mail Tournament. Author: Peter Aronson and Michael Nelson. Inventor: Glenn Overby II.