External Link
This is a link to an external site for: Whale ShogiWhale Shogi: http://www.zillions-of-games.com/cgi-bin/zilligames/submissions.cgi/3692?do=show;id=1468
Whale Shogi is a variant of Shogi, Japanese chess. However, unlike most other Shogi-variants, Whale Shogi roots are not in Japan, but in the U.S., and the game also is mostly played outside Japan (although it is not clear how often). It was invented in 1981 by R. Wayne Schmittberger (the author of New Rules for Classic Games); however, he does not mention Whale Shogi in this book. As is more common in Shogi variants, the inventor has named all pieces after a kind of animal: in this case all are whales and related animals.
Author: Douglas Silfen and Karl Scherer. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Web page created: 2007-09-28. Web page last updated: 2007-09-28
See Also
Great Whale Shogi. Great Whale Shogi by R. Wayne Schmittberger. (11x11, Cells: 121) Author: Douglas Silfen. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Whale Shogi. Shogi variant. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Great Whale Shogi. Large board based on Whale and Wa Shogi. Author: Douglas Silfen. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
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