Infiltrator Chess
This is an attempt by me to create a variant which would feel as if it had a piece drop mechanism while actually sort of not having such a mechanism.
Both of the introduced pieces potentially have long-range effects, so the result seems to me like a game with rather rich tactics.
When not capturing, the Infiltrator moves on queen's lines, but unhindered by obstacles, so can hop over any number of pieces. The Infiltrator captures like a king. (Guesstimated piece value: 6 pawns)
The Jumpalongwazir can step or jump any number of squares orthogonally, with or without capture, but only when all of the intermediate squares (if any) are occupied. (Guesstimated piece value: 2.5 pawns)
Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King
Pawns promote upon reaching the 9th rank (no deferral possible). They can promote to any piece proper of the game, except king.
All other rules as in standard chess. In particular, pawns' initial double step (subject to en passant capture) and castling work as would be expected.
Game Courier
Play the Game Courier version of Infiltrator Chess! It enforces the rules and displays legal moves.Design notes
The Jumpalongwazir (from my game Jump-a-long Chess) was selected as a "companion piece" to the Infiltrator. It most often fills quite a defensive role, but can now and then project far into the opponent's camp.
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By Martin Nilsson.
Last revised by Martin Nilsson.
Web page created: 2025-02-13. Web page last updated: 2025-02-13