The Strength Sapping Pieces Tag
Game has pieces that can reduce the strength of nearby enemy piece(s) somehow, e.g. immobilize them or limit their range.
Tagged Pages
Achernar. ACHERNAR is a mix of the game ALTAIR and Western Chess. (9x9, Cells: 81) (1)
Altair. Altair is a modern game with an oriental flavor. (9x9, Cells: 81) (1)
Bombalot. Bombs can wipe out most pieces on the board. (1)
Canopus. Most pieces movements are range-limited. The game play is violent and tense, but fluid. (9x8, Cells: 72) (1)
Deneb. Special pieces and winning conditions. (7x9, Cells: 63) (1)
Epsilon Eridani. 44-square version of Achernar. (9x5, Cells: 44) (1)
Gorgona Chess. V. R. Parton's Gorgona paralyzes enemy pieces so they can't move (with zrf). (1)
Hiashatar. Mongolian Decimal Chess. (1)
Immobilizer. Pieces standing near an immobilizer may not move. (1)
Latrunculi XXI. A 21st century variant on an ancient Chess-like game of the Roman empire. (10x8, Cells: 80) (1)
Maorider Chess. Maorider and king with unusual recruiting abilities. (8x9, Cells: 72) (1)
Maxima. Maxima is an interesting and exiting variant of Ultima, with new elements that make Maxima more clear and dynamic. (Cells: 76) (1)
Pyrrhus Chess. The Pyrrhus moves like a king but paralyzes enemy pieces at queen's distance (with zrf). (1)
Rococo. A clear, aggressive Ultima variant on a 10x10 ring board. (10x10, Cells: 100) (Recognized!) (1)
Squirrel Chess. Adapted from Squirrels and Camels Chess. (10x10, Cells: 100) (1)
Symmetron! 112. Large version of Symmetron!, with a third modifier. (11x10, Cells: 112) (1)
Symmetron! 44. Most pieces move orthogonally or diagonally according to situation. (7x6, Cells: 44) (1)
Thronschach. A game on 42-squares with throne squares, and an interesting mix of pieces. (5x8, Cells: 42) (1)
Toccata. A hexagonal variant inspired of Maxima. (Cells: 76) (1)
UC-170-13. Universal Chess version featuring 170 different kind of major pieces and 13 different kind of pawns. (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
Ultima. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability. Also called Baroque. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!) (1)
Ultimajor. Ultima like game where each pieces are capable of checkmate with only their own King for support. (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
Universal Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
Zwangkrieg. Pieces affect other pieces' movement, including forced movement. (12x12, Cells: 144) (1)