Carrera Drop Chess
This is a rules file for Zillions of Games, a Windows program that will let you play any puzzle or strategy board game you can feed it the rules to. With Zillions-of-Games installed, this rules file will let you play this game against your computer.
This chess is called in honor of Pietro Carrera (July 12, 1573 รขโฌโ September 18, 1647)chess player, historian, priest, Italian author, former World Chess champion J.R.Capablanca. In this chess 2 new pieces are introduced (1) Centaur which slides like a Bishop or leaps like a Knight (2), Minotaur which slides like a Rook or leaps like a Knight. Castling is performed by jumping 3 squares with the King. Other rules are similar to ordinary chess. Short castle is Queen side. Pawns jumps 1,2 or 3 steps, can promoute to the - Knight, Bishop, Rook and Queen. This chess has the following advantages. I-Symmetrical board 10x10. II-Freedom of maneuvers because 10x10 board. III-Reduction of advantage of the first move, which is a big problem in a classical chess. IV-Huge number of new types of combinations. V-Thus, the all great heritage of a classical chess will be demanded. The quantity of chess pieces (7 different pieces) are equal to the quantity of pawns p=10. The game is good balanced. There are 3 simple moves pieces N,B,R and 3 complex moves pieces C(N+B),M(N+R),Q(B+R) and Cn-Cannons") Additional two Cannon's can be placed in-game at the empty space where one's previous piece was located (behind the pawn line / last horisontal line) any time. Placing a Cannon counts as a move.Download Instructions
Instructions on downloading this Zillions file:
The supplied URL, whose extension is joke, is neither a zip file nor a zrf file.
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By Namik Zade.
Web page created: 2015-10-13. Web page last updated: 2015-10-13๏ปฟ