Comments by ChessShogi
I cannot reproduce any of this. If I enter the second game by hand up to 11. Ce4, switch on the AI and then play Cxe4, it replies with a double capture, and both victims disappear.
It doesn't seem to happen in Chrome, but it does occur in Microsoft Edge. Strange. But like I said, the bug seems to be a niche case, apparently more so than I was expecting.
Edit: It does happen in chrome, but under different circumstances. So strange...
I agree that the SAN needs reworking. As it is now, it also gets stuck on castling moves when the move has a tilde (~) in it.
A most interesting game. It inspired me to come up with a game with a similar mechanic. It took a while, but I've finally managed to come up a worthy variant, called Shuka.
If you press the Move button repeatedly in any diagram using betzaNew.js, the AI will only move one side's pieces.
Castling seems to have this weird bug where the diagram thinks it can make an unloading move with the castled Rook (or King (?)) if another move hasn't been made since.
I also discovered that demotion of promoted pieces doesn't occur for captured pieces going into the hand when using Shogi-style promotions. Perhaps this can be parameterized to account for variants with different drop rules than Shogi.
The item ID of this page is incorrect. It should be "MSshuka" instead of "MSshoka".
I'm trying to either delete MSshuka (with a u), or copy the text in this page over to MSshuka and then delete MSshoka. Apparently, MSshuka didn't fully delete when I tried to do it the first time. This is what the page says when I go to MSshuka:
<404 Error Stuff>
ItemID is MSshuka
A record of this page is still in the database, and it indicates that the page has been deleted.
In other words, the database still has the MSshuka record, but it has been tricked into thinking it has been deleted.
I noticed a minor bug that makes the jump highlights for black pieces yellow instead of orange.
It makes sense that Ludii would not play very well. The AI is designed to play a much wider array of games, and it has to sacrifice some performance to do that.
Unfortunately, the quality of this page is severely lacking. Most of the page is just text, and that text isn't even separated into paragraphs to make reading easier. Furthermore, the few pictures that are present do not describe the game very well, and in particular, the picture describing the piece movements is so tiny that it is impossible to map the piece movements to the pieces in the setup photo. TBH, as it is now, I'm amazed that this paged even got approved in the first place.
That being said, having multi-capturing pieces in a variant with drops is quite an interesting idea that I have never seen before. I am thinking about doing something similar in the future.
The text is much better than before, but my point about the picture of the movement diagrams still stands.
Perhaps there could be a way to allow usage of the special characters in piece IDs in parameters like morph and captureMatrix? Maybe using {} curly brackets to enclose IDs using one of these special characters (e.g. {+P} for a Tokin (promoted Shogi Pawn))? In particular, the +[A-Z] ID is quite common in certain Shogi variants.
It seems that the script for editing a page's index information is a bit broken. For example, I am trying to check the fields 2d and Shogi-based for MSshuka and MPshuka because I forgot to do so when initially creating them, but every time I try to do so, it doesn't work. This is the case even if I delete them and restore them afterwards. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I thought I'd create a page for Honno Shuka (Shuka + 1 Chu Shogi Queen, placed halfway b/w the Bishop and Rook at setup), which bridges the gap between Shuka and Shosu Shogi, before deciding that the game should be kept under Shuka's lore section. However, now that I am trying to delete MShonnoshuka, I am having the same problem that I encountered when I accidentally made MSshoka instead of MSshuka. Namely, MShonnoshuka is still in the database, but the database has been tricked into thinking MShonnoshuka has been deleted.
It is the "Edit Index Information" script in the Edit tab in the top menu.
Edit: I've decided to change the name of Shuka to Seireigi.
The Abstract pieces look terrible, which I'm saying as the creator of the original design. Why not just use the Symbolic pieces, which look much better, and have already been made for Shogi from the Abstract pieces? Also, we have much better-looking Kanji and half-Kanji pieces available. Just take a look at the sets already being used for Shogi in Game Courier.
I've copied the appropriate images from Eric Silverman's 1kanji set from Ai Ai to use in my diagram in place of the old images (the Mnemonic setup diagrams are still present, to aid in mapping pieces to their correspinding moves). The rest of the page should be good to go, as it is done in a similar format to my other Shogi variant pages.
The changes are there, but you will need to refresh the cache of either your browser or the site to see them. All the image links have the ?nocache=true suffix, so they will change immediately once this is done.
I removed all the old pieces. That said, I can make Mnemonic pieces pretty easily. It's just a matter of forming the templates, and then making pieces from those templates.
Also, the checkered board is an intentional design choice, in case you were wondering.
Edit: I've uploaded enlarged Mnemonic images for Seireigi and the ability to switch between the Mnemonic and Kanji sets (refresh browser cache).
I'm currently experimenting with adding linear Lion moves to the Violent Wolf and Drunk Elephant. Surely, those will have an impact. They would have the same limitations as their current iterations, but would be able to tear through defenses easier, while still being short range.
Edit: For now, in my experiments on piece moves, I have given the Violent Wolf and Drunk Elephant the ability to step twice in a straight line, or jump two squares, along the forward orthogonal and forward diagonals, respectively.
It would give the variant much less 'Shogi feel' when you introduce such an exotic move. I am also not sure whether in Shogi Soaring-Eagle-like Lion capture would do really much more than a two-square jump (or even slide). The locust capture is mainly dangerous because it can eliminate protected pieces. But in Shogi the main factor that determines the value of a piece is how effective it is in checking a King. And there you don't care whether it was protected or not. Starting to hunt for other material by dropping, promoting, capturing takes too long, and you would probably be checkmated before you get the opportunity to drop the piece you gained by it.
Good points.
Although I think that in Shogi the promotion Silver to Gold was mainly motivated by uniformity, it is not an entirely useless promotion. When dropping a Silver in front of the King to check the latter, the King can evade by stepping next to the Silver. The latter can then pull backwards to renew the check, and by promoting to Gold in the process it can make sure the King now has to retreat.
The same could be said for the Drunk Elephant (or non-royal King). While it may take too long to actually move it, it can still do things that the other pieces might struggle with, such as checkmating a King from the side. That being said, I don't think the double step options will work. For now, I am just going to make the style changes you recommended.
Edit: I've made the changes, and I've decided to give the Violent Wolf and Drunk Elephant sliding moves in the directions I tried giving them double step options on.
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This time I made it so you can toggle between the two movesets I am considering for the Shima (more test cases basically). The bug seems to only occur when the AI makes a zigzag pair of forward jump captures.
The last move of each only captures one of the victims it intended to capture. It appears that this bug is a niche case.
Edit: The AI has also gone completely out of whack. It will only move the black pieces as of right now.