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One question: is a Yahoo allowed to move back to its starting square when the arrows allow for it, making a null move?
A comment about the 'Korean' Clodhopper -- following the analogy with the Korean Cannon, they should not be allowed to capture other Clodhoppers.
About the exit moves. I can see very easily how you ended up with them, and I for one like the forced exit rule, since it should make the game more decisive. An alternate approach if you did want to forbid them the tower in the first place would be to shade the arrows pointing into the tower, and add a rule that Ninnys and Yahoos may not follow a shaded arrow on their side of the board.

I have a black and white version of the board here: - Sam
As Fergus has pointed out, Sam Trenholme's black and white version consists of arrow outlines... with the squares not defined by borders or colors. But I think if these were added to basic color squares (as used in most chess setups) we would have a board similar to that of the 'All the King's Men' game, which has imitation wood and noticeable, yet much more subtle arrows. Note that I was likely spoiled by the physical board I own and the 3D plastic medeival-type pieces that came with it. Perhaps, most important here, is the fact that [other than myself and a co-worker] I know of no one else who minds the bright colors and the current piece set with eyes. So, as the Star Trek Spock once said, 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one or the few.' So there is certainly no need to create a second board and piece set on my account, that would be a waste of time and space. But I do thank Mr. Trenholme for taking the time to create and present his black and white bitmap.
Perhaps for some, but that's not a valid statement because it is unconditional. I had a very successful experience playing STIT last night using my graphics, the first time I was able to play the game to completion. I personally find the Smess-like graphics unplayable.
Michael, I have long known you as someone who has his head on his shoulders, and you have long been one of the members of this site I hold the highest respect for. I still believe that you are that person I respect, and I will just assume you are having a bad day. I do appreciate that you went to the trouble to make my game more accessible to people who may not like my Smess graphics. I do not mean to be cold, but I do tend to be blunt and to the point. In this particular matter, I could not be very encouraging, because I was never excited over the idea of replacing my Smess graphics with something more 'classic.' As for constructive feedback, I did give that. I carefully explained how the board induced optical illusions and gave specific recommendations on what to do to fix this.
Michael, please send me your new board. I would like to include an alternate board if it doesn't induce optical illusions.
For those interested, here is Michael's original board. I converted it to PNG for viewing on the web. If you want to use it with my ZRF, you can convert it back to BMP and edit the ZRF to use it.

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