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Game Courier Ratings. Calculates ratings for players from Game Courier logs. Experimental.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Jan 8, 2006 02:42 PM UTC:
The idea of retro-active ratings is a displeasing 'after-the-fact' concept
to me.  The reason has to do with coffee-house style care free games versus
tournament rated games.  When I played chess at the Edgewater Park
Invitational, for example, I only lost 1 game, I drew against a 2000 USCF
rated player and only lost to a 2300 USCF rated player.  The 6 games
involved 10 hours of playing.  Now, I also play at a coffee-shop.  Wild
fun games with just 15 minutes on the clock.  These are not rated and we
can try bold ideas that we would likely avoid in a rated game.  By
comparison it as as if someone comes up and says, 'Hey, we've just rated
your coffee-house games and fudged them into your USCF rating.'  In regard
to the 1500+ rating I saw by my name here, by comparison: Best USCF was
1943, Rating in MSN real-time play broke above 2000, rating against Chess
computers reached 2110.  Current Gothic Chess is about 1975.
In regard to Chess Variants I would like to see the following system,
which seems fair:  All players start at 1600 (or 1500 if preferred). Rated
games do not begin until New games are started, say to go in effect Jan.
15th (or some other date).  In-progress games which may have been for fun
or simply experimental, do not count.  As example: When I played a
fun-game of Maxima with Roberto, he gave me lessons during the game.  Very
helpful lessons.  Would that have happened in a rated game?