You will find there plenty of informations. For example:
In Maritime chess or Sea chess (G.Brogi Chess Amateur February 1929) the Q, R, B are re- placed by Sea-pieces which move as normal but capture by hopping over the victim to the first square beyond. Sea-Q is known as Siren or Mermaid, Sea-R as Triton, and Sea-B as Nereid. This type of capture is called locust capture. The original problem piece called a Locust was in effect a Sea-Q that moves only to capture.
@Bob: maybe look at simplevariant.pdf by G.P.Jelliss
You will find there plenty of informations. For example:
In Maritime chess or Sea chess (G.Brogi Chess Amateur February 1929) the Q, R, B are re- placed by Sea-pieces which move as normal but capture by hopping over the victim to the first square beyond. Sea-Q is known as Siren or Mermaid, Sea-R as Triton, and Sea-B as Nereid. This type of capture is called locust capture. The original problem piece called a Locust was in effect a Sea-Q that moves only to capture.