This is for the Darker color scheme, which has a black background. Blue will be fine, since it shows up well against black, and it contrasts with another piece being white.
So, should I use #0000FF or another shade of blue?
I was thinking, in keeping with the row of figures across the bottom of the Light-themed logo, to make the pieces different colors (nothing outrageous; mainly ivory, tan, grey, muted red, that sort of thing that you might see in an actual chess set).
I figure to leave any resizing and cropping to your (probably more capable) hands.
So, should I use #0000FF or another shade of blue?
I was thinking, in keeping with the row of figures across the bottom of the Light-themed logo, to make the pieces different colors (nothing outrageous; mainly ivory, tan, grey, muted red, that sort of thing that you might see in an actual chess set).
I figure to leave any resizing and cropping to your (probably more capable) hands.