Dragon Wars
"Dragon" is one of those names that shows up a lot in chess variants. Shogi has the Dragon Horse, Dragon King, and Flying Dragon; and the name Dragon is applied to the Amazon, as well as to a pawnlike piece in fairy chess problems that moves like a Knight or a Pawn. These pieces are the focus of this game.
Dragon Horse: Slides diagonally like a Bishop, or moves one space orthogonally. (BW)
Dragon King: Slikes orthogonally like a Rook, or moves one space diagonally. (RF)
Dragon Pawn: Moves like either a Knight or an orthodox Pawn. Promotes as a Pawn, but only if it reaches the promotion zone with a Pawn move. (N'fmWfcFifmnD)
Dragon Queen: Moves like a Queen or a Knight (basically an Amazon). (QN)
Flying Dragon: Moves two spaces diagonally. (F2)
This was created as the Year of the Dragon (2024) was approaching, and was created in recognition of it.
I find myself wondering if these dragons would make a good Chess With Different Armies group.
And of course there are other Dragons around, most notably the one that's also been called Chainsaw. I could have gone with everything I could find, but I opted for relative simplicity in this case.
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By Bob Greenwade.
Last revised by Bob Greenwade.
Web page created: 2023-12-23. Web page last updated: 2023-12-23